Zakendoen in Ierland
When planning to set-up your business, it is wise to have a clear over-view of the current local costs which will in turn help you make sound financial planning.
You can refer to this link to consider the list of major costs that your business will encounter and you should consider.
The below links consider Utilities such as Water and Electricity, Fuel and Communication - Fixed line Telephony, Mobile Telephony, Internet.
Costs and services oversight in Ireland is provided by the Commission for Regulation of Utilities, Water and Energy.
The Irish Water website provides tariffs and all information needed.Electricity
The Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) regulates the electricity market and can deal with unresolved complaints.
Electricity services in Ireland are provided by the Electricity Supply Board (ESB), a state body that is owned and controlled by the Government. ESB owns and manages the electricity network and operates 19 major power stations throughout Ireland and a number of smaller stations in 28 sites around the country.
Deregulation of the electricity market in Ireland.
In February 2000, as a result of EU directive 96/92/EC, the electricity market in Ireland was opened to competition. Larger customers using 4 gigawatt hours or more of power per year became free to choose their own electricity supplier. The retail electricity market opened fully to competition in February 2005.
In November 2007 a Single Electricity Market (SEM) came into effect with the trading of wholesale electricity in Ireland and Northern Ireland on an all-island basis.
All business markets were deregulated from October 2010. From April 2011, the domestic market is deregulated with all suppliers free to set their own tariffs.
The relevant web sites are:
Communication - Fixed line Telephony, Mobile Telephony, Internet
Property Prices Ireland
When planning to set-up your business, it is wise to have a clear over-view of the current local costs which will in turn help you make sound financial planning.
You can refer to this link to consider the list of major costs that your business will encounter and you should consider.
Capital and day to day costs are explained fully with expert modelling applications in Module 2 and Module 3 on the DIFME e-learning platform.